City of Adrian Outlines Plans for Upcoming Bicentennial Celebration


Adrian, MI – The City of Adrian has released a schedule of events for their upcoming Bicentennial celebration, taking place this summer from July 3rd to July 6th.

City Commissioner Mary Roberts led a work study session at Tuesday night’s commission meeting in which she and Mayor Angie Heath shared the newly-created website for the Bicentennial, complete with a detailed schedule of events happening across the city.

Annual events, such as the Fourth of July parade and the Ragtime Extravaganza at PlaneWave Campus, will be marketed alongside new events including historic house tours and the opening of a time capsule, as part of the four-day Bicentennial calendar.

Roberts also announced volunteer opportunities and sponsorship openings for people and organizations looking to help out with the event.

WLEN News was able to speak with Commissioner Roberts about the once-in-a-lifetime celebration, which is expected to feature new events alongside annual traditions…


Roberts also announced volunteer opportunities and sponsorship openings for people and organizations looking to help out with the event…


More information about Adrian’s Bicentennial will be made available across the city’s social media pages, and on the City of Adrian website, in the coming days.

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