Additional Pretrial Date Set for Dale Warner, Man Charged with Murdering his Wife, Dee


Adrian, MI – The Lenawee County man charged with murdering his wife in April, 2021 was back in court, via Zoom, Wednesday morning for a pretrial hearing in Circuit Court. The pretrial was brief, lasting less than five minutes. With the recent discovery of Dee Warner’s remains on a property belonging to Dale Warner, there is more discovery to be shared between the attorneys before a trial date can be set.

Lenawee County Prosecutor Jacqueline Wyse was in the courtroom, with Dale Warner and his attorney Mary Chartier appearing via Zoom into the courtroom of Judge Michael Olsaver. An additional pretrial date has been set for Wednesday, October 30th at 8:15am.

Below is a video of the full pretrial hearing Wednesday morning in Adrian:

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