Tecumseh, MI – The Tecumseh community is gearing up for their bicentennial celebration, set to take place less than a week from now. The four day event will be Thursday, July 18th through Sunday, July 21st. Tecumseh City Councilwoman, and member of the bicentennial planning committee, Vikki Riddle will be on Community Conversation tonight at 6:15pm.
Here is a sneak peek of the program, where Riddle talks about events taking place Thursday…
Hear more about Tecumseh’s Bicentennial celebration tonight at 6:15pm on 103.9 WLEN. A recording of the program will be posted on wlen.com. The page with the full schedule of events can be found on the City of Tecumseh website here: https://www.mytecumseh.org/visitors/bicentennial_celebration.php
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