How Does the Lenawee County Health Dept. Determine Close Contacts to COVID-19 Infections in Schools?


Adrian, MI – The Lenawee County Board of Health, as stated prior to the meeting, did not discuss or vote on a mask mandate for county schools Wednesday afternoon.

Many people spoke to the board, including students, parents, teachers, grandparents, healthcare workers, and even a local school board member and a bus driver. Every single person that talked during public comment was not in favor of a mask mandate for Lenawee County students.

Many parents addressed the board about their displeasure with the Health Department quarantining healthy students if they are determined to be a close contact to a COVID-positive person. After the meeting, Health Officer Martha Hall talked to WLEN News about the quarantine policy…


Hall said the LCHD works closely with the schools to determine who is a close contact…


WLEN News will continue reporting on the Health Board meeting throughout the week.

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