Lenawee County Fair and Event Grounds to Offer Drive-Thru Fair Food


Adrian, MI – The Lenawee County Fair and Event Grounds will be having a fair food drive-thru later this week. The Lenawee County Fair may be canceled for this year, but Lenawee County residents won’t miss their annual consumption of fair food.

There will be an assortment of corn dogs, elephant ears, funnel cakes, hot dogs and burgers. The Frosty Cow will be giving away free ice cream sandwiches and dairy products while supplies last.

The Fair Food Drive-Thru will be Friday, July 10th and Saturday, July 11th from 11am until 7pm. Vehicles will need to enter off Siena Heights Drive to Hanke Lane. There is no fee for admission. You are asked to stay in your vehicle and a runner will take your order.

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