County Board of Commissioners Issue Emergency Order for COVID-19 Screening


The Lenawee County Board of Commissioners have implemented an Emergency Order that requires all Lenawee County Businesses and Operations that are open subject to the Governor’s Executive Order to screen employees for symptoms of COVID-19.

All Lenawee County Businesses and Operations shall also implement a plan to provide for social distancing which provides at least 6 feet of space between employees, between employees and customers, and between customers and other customers.

The current pandemic, that has now reached the Lenawee County population, requires that each of us take measures to prevent further spread of COVID-19 in Lenawee County. Monitoring employees for symptoms of COVID-19 will provide employers with early notification that an employee may have the virus and will help prevent the spread of COVID-19 to other staff and to others in the community. Monitoring employees for travel and close contact with a COVID-19 patient will also offer these same protections by alerting the employer to potential exposures. Social distancing strategies that include ensuring 6 feet of distance between employees in the workspace, between employees and customers, and between customers and other customers is a mitigation strategy recommended for all public encounters to offer protection from COVID-19.

It is important that every available strategy be utilized to prevent the spread of COVID-19. This order provides clear direction that employees should not work when experiencing symptoms associated with COVID-19, nor when they have high risk exposures. It further clarifies that social distancing measures must be utilized in all businesses to slow the spread of COVID-19.

This is a difficult time for all and your efforts and services are greatly appreciated. If you have questions related to this order, please feel free to reach out to the Lenawee County Health Department at 517-264-5226, Option 5 or email

For more information on this order, click here.

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