Adrian Public Schools Teacher Leadership Institute


Adrian Public Schools teachers learned new tactics to leverage their individual strengths to help improve their schools during the 2018 APS Teacher Leadership Institute. The program, held in April and May, played a key role in promoting leadership opportunities for teachers in their buildings and across the district.

“Adrian Public Schools already has among the best teachers in Michigan, and the Teacher Leadership Institute helps them use their most prominent skills to improve our schools,” said Derrick Richards, the district’s director of curriculum and instruction. “This program also helps create new school leaders as our teachers continue to provide a 21st century learning environment.”

During the Teacher Leadership Institute sessions, APS teachers identified their strengths inside and outside the classroom, then developed strategies to enhance their leadership skills in their schools. The program was facilitated by veteran educator Brad Hamilton, a former local school superintendent, principal and teacher. The APS Leadership Institute started in 2017.

“I was so impressed with the dedication, honesty and intensity these teacher leaders demonstrated,” Hamilton said. “Adrian Public Schools is certainly ahead of the curve.”

“The Teacher Leadership institute provided us with an opportunity to collaborate with colleagues across the district and problem-solve together,” said Natasha Wetzel, a kindergarten teacher at Lincoln Elementary School. “I am very proud of the work we completed in defining the core values of teacher leaders at APS and identifying new ways for teacher leaders to support our district.”

“The program provided new insights on how teachers can focus on their strengths in providing a high-quality learning environment at Adrian Public Schools,” Todd Holden, an Adrian Public Schools reading specialist, said of the Teacher Leadership Institute. “The biggest takeaway was learning how we, as teacher leaders, can change the culture we helped create.”

“Our Teacher Leadership Institute is yet another example of Adrian Public Schools providing our dedicated teachers with new and innovative tools to play key leadership roles in improving the learning environment in all APS schools,” said Bob Behnke, APS superintendent.

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